Framing the Future
Framing the Future is a vision for the future of Melbourne Parish Church, bringing together clergy and lay members to build the Kingdom of God in Melbourne.
It was drawn up in response to a parish-wide consultation process undertaken in 2021 which encouraged people to put forward ideas for our future development as a church and Christian community.
We identified the things we are good at and looked at ways in which we could build on them. And we identified areas where we could improve and welcomed ideas on how such improvements could be made.
Framing the Future is an ongoing process, which will grow and adapt as we move forward on our journey. It currently takes the form of six interlinked and coordinated teams covering the following areas of church life:
Christian nurture and Education
Developing followers of Christ – all ages and stages
Community and Care
Demonstrating God’s love in our relationships
Communication and outreach
Clarifying our faith and activities
Welcome and Hospitality
Recognising that people won’t forget how we made them feel
Volunteer enabling
Helping people to recognise and harness their talents
Physical Resources
Looking after our buildings and fabric